

1. GENEALOGY – Ed Smith
Ed will meet with individuals by appointment to assist in the search of family histories. Please sign up if interested.


Your Fall Camp registration information included a copy of Talking Politics at Fall Camp. Many of us would like to be able to do this with our family and friends back home during this “crisis” time in our political world. We struggle with how to find the right words. We worry about hurting someone’s feelings. Most of all, we worry about losing a relationship. This workshop will use the principles outlined in the pamphlet to allow participants to dig deeper into how we can conduct effective civil discourse while honoring ourselves and others. We will use storytelling and practice exercises to enable us to love our neighbors as ourselves.

2. THE POETRY OF MARY OLIVER – Martin Townsend
A brief relief from political bombast. Participants are invited to bring any book of Oliver’s writings. Devotions is the most comprehensive collection of her work. Come for one session or two.

Karen Taylor
You might be very pleasantly surprised with the many financial benefits a reverse mortgage can provide, and you will always continue to be the owner of your home.

4. STATIONS OF THE CROSS – Sister Carrine Etheridge and Marian Windel
We will explore a bit of the history of the Stations and look at some of the varieties of Stations available for private and congregational use. Stations of the Cross are not just for use during Lent. Shrine Mont even has Stations of the Cross..

5. REGULAR YOGA – Mary Neal
This class will incorporate basic yoga with stretching to improve flexibility. Please bring a yoga mat. Soothing music will be played in the background. The session will last 45 minutes to an hour.

6. CARE FOR CREATION – Salli Hartman and Kristine Montamat
Genesis 1:26. Then God said, ‘Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.

Have you ever wondered what dominion means in this time of climate change? This workshop will explore several translations of Genesis and other biblical references to see how God sees the creation. We will discuss ways we can care for God’s creation and share prayers that focus on caring for our creation.

7. ARCHERY – Melissa Hartman
Ever wanted to learn to use a bow and arrow? The Archery Workshop offers the opportunity to learn or sharpen your skills with Melissa. Melissa was taught by her mother, Sylvia Wall, who was an instructor certified by USA Archery and the National Field Archery Association, and Fall Camp’s archery workshop leader for many years. You can participate in this workshop even if you can’t stand up!


1. THE POETRY OF MARY OLIVER – Martin Townsend
See Tuesday Morning description.

2. JUST A BITE: A workshop for tasting and sharing – Barbara Fischer
Were you ever told, “Don’t play with your food”? Well, here’s your chance to do just that. Workshop participants will have an opportunity to assist with the preparation of a variety of tasty nibbles for our Fall Camp Happy Half-Hour. Limited to 20 participants

This workshop will begin with a talk on how to identify trees by their leaves, fruit, bark and flowers. We will follow with a walk around the upper road and pond to look at trees and their characteristics that are used in identification. Please bring a Tree ID book if you have one, but its not necessary for participation in this workshop.

4. CHAIR YOGA – Mary Neal
This class will incorporate basic yoga with stretching to improve flexibility while seated in a chair. Bring a yoga mat if you prefer to perform your practice on the floor. Soothing music will be played in the background. The session will last 45 minutes to an hour.

5. ARCHERY – Melissa Hayslett
See Tuesday Morning description.


1. SOUL GARDENING: About a Few Things That Matter – Terry Hershey
People who love this world, people who pay attention, are gardeners, whether or not they have ever picked up a trowel. Because gardening is not just about digging. Gardening is about cherishing. And to cherish, one must be present. Opening our heart to the rhythms of nature, earth’s garden. Learning to practice the sacrament of the blessed present. Working to embrace the demanding marriage of loving and losing. Cultivating appreciation for ordinary gifts of grace, the value of solitude. Naming ways to heal and protect and mend our planet, and to be replenished by the healing power of nature.

2. A BASIC INTRODUCTION TO ICONOGRAPHY: Materials, Purposes and Uses
The Rev. Noreen Suriner
This workshop will give an appreciation of iconography as an art form as well as uses in worship: how to approach an icon and what to look for in an icon. Besides showing the stages, (for which there are at least 10-14) of the writing (painting) there will be slides from the Museum of Iconography in Massachusetts. This amazing private collection rescued many personal Russian icons that were sold at great personal loss, to provide food for families.

3. PICKLEBALL John Carten
Basic pickleball techniques and scoring with time to practice. Shrine Mont does have some paddles but participants are encouraged to bring paddles if they have them. Limited to 12 participants.

4. COLORING TO SOFT MUSIC – Toni Hogg & Patty Rosenberg
Join with others for a quiet time of coloring while listening to soothing music. Pictures to choose from and coloring pens will be provided.

5. CENTERING PRAYER – Angier Brock
Centering Prayer is a method of wordless contemplative prayer with roots in ancient Christian Spirituality. Its genius in today’s busy world is that it provides a concrete way to practice trusting God. It also gives us a much-needed break from the inner and outer voices that compete for our attention. This workshop will introduce the basic elements of Centering Prayer and also provide a Centering Prayer experience.

6. ARCHERY Melissa Hayslett
See Tuesday Morning description.

7. TAI CHIBill Judge
Tai Chi is a gentle exercise that offers many physical and mental health benefits.  During this one-hour session, we will do some gentle stationary warm-ups, explore a classic qigong exercise that stimulates all of the body’s meridians, and then get introduced to the yang-style short form which requires some slow, carefully designated movement.  Participants with a wide variety of physical abilities can benefit from these practices.  Come join us for what some call “moving meditation.”


Joe Versus the Volcano is a screwball comedy from 1990. Joe Banks (Tom Hanks) is a factory worker who gives up on life when he is told he is dying of a rare disease. He accepts an offer to travel to a South Pacific island and throw himself into an active volcano as a human sacrifice. Along the way, Joe rediscovers joy in living when he meets and falls in love with wealthy Patricia Graynamore (Meg Ryan). Like It’s a Wonderful Life, this film received mixed reviews and mediocre box office success during its theatrical release but has become a cult favorite.